Sunday, December 11, 2016

World War 1 Reading on Christmas Truce Lesson Plan

This magical, true story from World War I tells of the famous Christmas truce that took place between German and British soldiers in 1914.

The 1 page article begins with the background to the event before explaining how and why it came to be that both sides emerged from their trenches to celebrate the Christmas holiday together.Following the article is a set of Common Core-aligned comprehension questions and an activity in which students create postcards to send home telling about the event.

Also included are ideas on a song to feature in class along with the lesson and another article about the last survivor of the Christmas Truce reflecting on the event.

Thank you for looking and Happy Holidays!

You can also find a Complete World War I Unit here with over 2 weeks of resources on the Great War including PowerPoints, projects, interactive notebooks, and more!

Thanks so much for stopping by!

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